Spray away
the germs today

away the
germs today

PetAid contains zero harmful chemicals!  It’s fast acting power, purity and versatility means you can use your first aid spray for many other day to day pet care requirements!

For small insect bites and / or areas of skin that have become irritable through clipper rash / scratching etc, resulting in the area turning inflamed, itchy and red – spray PetAid directly onto affected area 2- 3 times and allow to dry naturally (no need to rinse).  Repeat every few hours. 

If your pet has suffered a relatively small impact / bite / laceration wound that does not require surgery / stitches; to maintain and ensure optimal sterilisation and disinfection of the wound, spray PetAid directly onto the affected area 2-3 times and allow to dry naturally.  Repeat this up to 5 times a day.  PetAid is non-sting so will not cause any pain to your pet whatsoever.  Your PetAid spray will ensure the wound remains clean and facilitate faster healing of the wound.

PetAid can be used as a supplementary tool alongside any prescribed veterinary medicine issued by your vet post-surgery.  PetAid will ensure the delicate surgery site and associated dressings remain free from infection risk – allowing your pet’s wound to heal quicker and remove the risk of post-surgery infection.  PetAid is sting-free and will cause no additional pain to the surgery site when administering. 

For wounds:  spray 2-3 times on the wound and allow to dry before reapplying the dressing.

For dressings:  PetAid can be sprayed onto an already applied dressing and will be absorbed into the dressing, ensuring that the dressing remains free from any potential build up of harmful / infection-creating germs.

For pro-active hygienic care of your pet’s skin / paws etc – apply PetAid liberally to any areas that may have been exposed to germs during walks / accessing puddles / rolling in dirt etc.  PetAid will instantly kill any harmful germs your pet’s body has collected during its fun-filled activities.  Regular administering of PetAid will provide assurance that your pet is not hosting / bringing anything harmful into your home / car and control the risk of cross-infection to family members. 

Repel the smell and kill those harmful stinky germs that may have engrained themselves into the many day to day areas / items your pet has accessed / rolled on / slept / played with / fouled on.  PetAid not only kills all harmful germs – if sprayed liberally, it is a fantastic deodoriser to ensure those lingering pet smells become a thing of the past!

Spray liberally on all pet zones:  sleeping areas,  litter trays, living and play areas and even the boot of the car to ensure they remain fresh and free from viruses, bacteria and fungal build up! ​

As PetAid is benign to mammalian tissue and skin, it can be used as a fantastic cleanser and disinfectant inside and around the eyes and ears of your pets to assist in the removal of infection / gunk and to aide in the healing of any scratches / inflammation. PetAid is non-sting so your pet will not experience any adverse reaction/pain when receiving the spray in eyes or ears.  Please try and ensure your pet does not immediately attempt to wipe/scratch the sprayed area post-delivery of PetAid.

PetAid is harmless if ingested and can act as wonderfully powerful healing tool for sore / infected gums – or just plain old bad breath!  For cats, dogs and bigger mammalian pets, spray two to three times on affected gum and/or inside the centre of the mouth directly on the tongue.  Same process applies for smaller pets (guinea pigs / rabbits etc) but apply only one spray.

Before you spray onto any area, make sure the surface is free from debris eg: droppings / muck etc.

Although PetAid is completely benign to mammalian skin and tissue, if for some rare reason your pet experiences a reaction from it please stop using it and do let us know!